Why wait for the right moment, when we can live in the moment?
My name is Kim.
I started my journey as a Life & Wellness Coach because I found that I was not needing to process the past, but I was needing guidance on how to make life work for me and not vice versa. Everyone of course has their opinion of what you "should" do and what works, but I felt like I failure every time other people's methods did not work. I felt like the problem in the equation.
What I realized was that the problem was the methods, not me. I experimented with small, sustainable changes and it helped boost my confidence. That epiphany was liberating! As I interact with others, I found that I was not the only one feeling this way. My interactions with others made me realize that obtaining my certification for coaching would help fill the gap and liberate others from feeling like the problem.
About My Approach
I understand I will never fully grasp your situation. I can maybe relate, but your life is unique to you. However, what I do understand is the unknown; not knowing what move to make next, not knowing what actually works for me vs what worked for my friend/family, not knowing what questions to ask, etc.
As a certified Health and Wellness Coach, I work with clients to discover their autonomous ability to reach their goals whether they be big or small, long term or short term, career oriented, life oriented, or anything under the sun. I'm not here to tell you how to live your life, but I am here to help you live your life how you want. Your goals are important! I am here to help you break down the journey into sustainable and manageable steps, be your cheerleader, and help with accountability needs. A lot of people abandon goals and growth as it all seems so daunting. I'm here to work myself out of a job by helping you build skills to envision your goal, set goals, and find ways to flourish in your own personal way. Let's walk this journey together! You will not always need me and that is perfectly fine. If you no longer need me to walk with you towards your goals and personal growth, feel free to strut your stuff without me. If you want to try and strut your stuff on your own, but find you need a tune up and a little more guidance, you are more than welcome to reach out for a tune up session. If you want me there for the long haul, let's do it! I am what you need when you need it.
Who Can Benefit From Coaching?
Adults who are striving to work on...
Improving Their Quality of Life
Setting Boundaries
Work and Life Balance
Time Management
Stress Reduction
Improve Productivity
Any Personal or Professional Growth
Implement Goals Set in Therapy or with a Dietitian
And many more!